Ramadan 25 – He died in Ramadan

Ramadan 25 – He died in Ramadan

A close friend of mine recently posted this: “Last night while praying Tarawih, a man in his 50’s collapsed after 5 or so rakahs were completed. An alert was made for any Dr. in the congregation to come and see to him. He was conscious and seemed to be in a good...
Ramadan Day 21 – Don’t recline just yet!

Ramadan Day 21 – Don’t recline just yet!

The term “blessing” is a general term that can include so many things; Righteous children, beneficial wealth, good health, a spacious house, and so on. But some blessings are better than others, and this is precisely why the Prophet PBUH said: وَمَا أُعْطِيَ أَحَدٌ...