by Ali Hammuda | May 8, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
Accountability comes as part of any job description, and your Ramadan mustn’t be made an exception. Now that we’ve arrived at the half-way mark of Ramadan, an assessment of the previous two weeks is a must in preparation for what remains, that’s if you’re serious...
by Ali Hammuda | May 7, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
How many Ramadan’s have you lived to witness so far? If, till this day, you cannot understand what is being recited during the night prayer, ask yourself a second question: “How many more Ramadan’s am I going to allow to pass without changing this?” The fact that your...
by Ali Hammuda | May 6, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
Our very first parents – Adam and Hawaa – were evicted from the garden because of it. The inner flames of desires are fanned because of it. Wealth is sought at any expense in order to satisfy it. Diseases flourish because of what is put inside of it. Introducing the...
by Ali Hammuda | May 5, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Money matters ** When we are presented with a business opportunity, our analysis is thorough. “What are the start-up costs?” “How many partners are involved?” “What’s the likely return on the investment?” However, the most important questions may not even arise in...
by Ali Hammuda | May 4, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Medication that most medics don’t prescribe ** The famous scholar of Hadeeth, Al-Haakim An-Naysaaboori, has a well-known story about an illness that he battled against for months on end. His face was afflicted with blisters which he tried treating for around a year...