by Ali Hammuda | May 6, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
Our very first parents – Adam and Hawaa – were evicted from the garden because of it. The inner flames of desires are fanned because of it. Wealth is sought at any expense in order to satisfy it. Diseases flourish because of what is put inside of it. Introducing the...
by Ali Hammuda | May 5, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Money matters ** When we are presented with a business opportunity, our analysis is thorough. “What are the start-up costs?” “How many partners are involved?” “What’s the likely return on the investment?” However, the most important questions may not even arise in...
by Ali Hammuda | May 4, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Medication that most medics don’t prescribe ** The famous scholar of Hadeeth, Al-Haakim An-Naysaaboori, has a well-known story about an illness that he battled against for months on end. His face was afflicted with blisters which he tried treating for around a year...
by Ali Hammuda | May 3, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** You’re being watched closely ** What you and I may have assumed went unnoticed was, not only registered by your children, but may have become engraved on their souls forever. It’s not just your words that nurture, but to a far greater extend, your actions. Consider...
by Ali Hammuda | May 2, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** This is how he won the race ** No human being after the Prophets and Messengers was, or ever will be, greater than Abū Bakr. He occupies a category of his own and his rank will never be surpassed until the end of time. But has the question ‘why?’ ever crossed your...
by Ali Hammuda | May 1, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Don’t die without a project ** A month of miraculous productivity and relentlessly hard work in every field of life; This is precisely what the month of Ramadan was to those before us. The below are unforgettable examples of accomplishment in just one of those...