You’re only tasked with things that are within your capacity and control. You cannot govern people’s hearts or decisions any more than you can move a mountain.

Parents spend a lifetime raising their children and are then dumbfounded by their child’s choices in life. A teacher spends all their energy and are then disheartened by the road their student takes. You cannot predict just because you helped guide.

So focus on your path and help others as much as they want to be helped. Then continue on your way, dear wayfarer.

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  • Farhia Yahya

    Farhia Yahya from London, UK is a teacher of Qur’anic and Arabic Sciences, and has taught English-speaking audiences in the UK for the past few years. In addition to completing a BSc Biomedical Science degree in London, she has also completed her Arabic, Islamic studies, and Hifdh of Qur’an in Cairo, Egypt. Born in Somalia and raised in the UK, she has lived in various cities around the world and travelling continues to be one of her passions (hey, it’s in the nomadic genes!). Farhia is a published author, upcoming novelist, and a translator of classical Arabic texts. She teaches tailored Islamic courses for sisters online and also runs a blog (as well as its social networks) with a focus on writing around the gems of the Qur’an and the beauty of literature.