One time Sufyan al-Thawri saw Jafar bin Muhammad wearing what seemed to be a very fine cloak. He couldn't hide his surprise so Jafar asked Sufyan what was wrong, to which he replied: “O son of the Prophet! It isn't like you to wear such a thing, nor was it like your forefathers to wear such a thing!”

Jafar pulled up the lip of his cloak to reveal that underneath was wool, which was the poorest and roughest of materials.

Then he said: “We wear this (the wool) for Allah, and this (the outside) for the people. For what is for Allah we conceal and what is for the people we display.”

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  • Tom Facchine

    Tom Facchine is a Muslim convert from New Jersey, USA. After finishing his BA in Political Science (2011) he began teaching himself Arabic and attending lessons of scholars and student of knowledge in his locality. In 2015 travelled to Madinah and began study at the Islamic University there. After completing the Arabic program he entered the school of Islamic Law, where he is on pace to graduate in the spring of 2020 inshaa Allah.