“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay.” (38:71)

Shaykh Abdallah mentioned here that since people are created from the earth they not only resemble the earth in their various colours but also in their varying capacities to accept the truth.

Just as some soil is so barren it won't benefit the rain, some hearts are so dry and lifeless that they cannot accept the truth, where as others resemble fertile ground, eagerly and humbly awaiting to receive.

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  • Tom Facchine

    Tom Facchine is a Muslim convert from New Jersey, USA. After finishing his BA in Political Science (2011) he began teaching himself Arabic and attending lessons of scholars and student of knowledge in his locality. In 2015 travelled to Madinah and began study at the Islamic University there. After completing the Arabic program he entered the school of Islamic Law, where he is on pace to graduate in the spring of 2020 inshaa Allah.