When you stand in prayer and clasp your left arm with your right, imagine that you are making a symbolic statement, that by clasping your arm you're restraining yourself from any motions other than what your Sustainer has commanded.

You could have, instead of standing in this prayer, been doing so many other things. You could have been losing yourself in your phone, or gossip, or worse…any one of the myriad things that amounts to only temporary distraction from your finalĀ abode and that which brings you closer to it.

But you're not, you have decided to stand here, addressing your Sustainer, withholding your hand from straying, restraining your body and mind as well. And so when you leave your prayer and reenter this lowly world your arm will no longer be clasped but your soul will still be under control, held back from all that displeases your Almighty Sustainer.

(Adapted from Abi Abdillah Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Rahman Al-Bukhari's Mahasin al-Islam)

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  • Tom Facchine

    Tom Facchine is a Muslim convert from New Jersey, USA. After finishing his BA in Political Science (2011) he began teaching himself Arabic and attending lessons of scholars and student of knowledge in his locality. In 2015 travelled to Madinah and began study at the Islamic University there. After completing the Arabic program he entered the school of Islamic Law, where he is on pace to graduate in the spring of 2020 inshaa Allah.