by Farhia Yahya | May 23, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
“…And He will appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk…” [57: 28] In a world that is fast being engulfed by darkness of all sorts, most of us yearn for some light. There are people that walk the earth with light; they see with clear clarity and are enlightened...
by Farhia Yahya | May 22, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
“O Mankind, indeed We have created you from a male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” [49: 13] How often...
by Ali Hammuda | May 20, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** The night prayer – 8 units, 20 units, or perhaps 39? ** It’s not actually the eight vs twenty units of prayer debate that I wish to shed light on here, but a topic altogether different. For now, consider the following: Our mother ‘Aisha said: مَا كَانَ...
by Ali Hammuda | May 19, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** Should I tell people if I discover LaylatulQadr/ the night of decree? ** Whilst it’s true that the 27th night of Ramadan is a likely candidate for Laylatul Qadr, it is baffling to see the disproportionate emphasis on it at the expense of other nights. What’s even...
by Ali Hammuda | May 18, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
** A nightly appointment with an angel ** In Ramadan, the Prophet Mohammad PBUH would be blessed with a nightly appointment with angel Jibreel who’d mutually study with him the Qur’an. Describing this and its effects, Ibnu ‘Abbaas said: كَانَ رسول الله – صلى...
by Ali Hammuda | May 18, 2020 | Ramadhan Reflections
A close friend of mine recently posted this: “Last night while praying Tarawih, a man in his 50’s collapsed after 5 or so rakahs were completed. An alert was made for any Dr. in the congregation to come and see to him. He was conscious and seemed to be in a good...