by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
One of the worst regrets that a person can feel is coming to the end-stages of their life and then realising that they haven’t truly lived. A deep regret overtakes them because they realise that they could’ve done more with their life. Perhaps they could’ve done...
by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
The topic of living with the Qur’an is an incredibly important one because it is essentially the whole reason why the Qur’an was revealed: to teach us HOW to live in a true sense. It was revealed to take us out from this self-imposed darkness that we seem to find...
by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
When Ibrahim and his son built the Ka’bah, their du’a included this: “…Our Lord, and make us Muslims (submitting) to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation (in submission) to You. And show us our rites and turn unto us (in Mercy). Indeed, You are the Accepting...
by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
There is an ayah in Surah al-Anfal that is in the context of War, but the beauty of the Qur’an is such that you can read a verse and it brings a whole new meaning to you than the standard tafsir. Consider this ayah: “…If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will...
by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
In Surah al-Baqarah, Allah says regarding our charity: إِن تُبْدُوا الصَّدَقَاتِ فَنِعِمَّا هِيَ ۖ وَإِن تُخْفُوهَا وَتُؤْتُوهَا الْفُقَرَاءَ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ ۚ “If you disclose your charitable expenditures, they are good; but if you conceal them and give them to...
by Farhia Yahya | Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Quranic Reflections
One day, the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr, “How will you be if you are among a (lowly) group of people whose promises and trusts have become muddled up, and they differed so they became like this?” And he interlinked his fingers....