Quranic Reflections – Juz 13

Quranic Reflections – Juz 13

“…We raise in degrees whom We will, but over every possessor of knowledge, there is one [more] knowing.” [12: 76] There will always be someone who knows more than you, who understands things faster and is better at academics. There will always be someone who is...
Quranic Reflections – Juz 12

Quranic Reflections – Juz 12

Surah Hud mentions the case of people who when their blessings are taken away, they fall into despair and ingratitude, and when they are given ease, they are boastful. And then Allah says… “Except for those who are patient and do righteous deeds…” [11: 10] Patience is...
Quranic Reflections – Juz 11

Quranic Reflections – Juz 11

And the last of their call will be, ‘Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds! (‘Alhamdulillah Rabb al-‘Alamin’)’” [10: 10] Hamd – the concept of eternal praise and gratitude. The first words uttered by Adam when life was blown into him were ‘Alhamdulillah Rabb...
Quranic Reflections – Juz 10

Quranic Reflections – Juz 10

“If you do not aid the Prophet – Allah has already aided him…” [9: 40] The religion of Allah, the way of God will forever be protected. It was protected by Messengers and great men and women aforetime, and it will continue to be supported by people to come. Even in...
Quranic Reflections – Juz 9

Quranic Reflections – Juz 9

“They said, “O Moses, either you throw [your staff], or we will be the ones to throw first. He said, “You throw…” [7: 115] I’ve always been intrigued at this… every time the standoff between Musa and the magicians is mentioned, this particular dialogue comes up. ‘Will...